10th European CubeSat Symposium Program
GAUSS is sponsoring the 10th European CubeSat Symposium , “Nanosatellites for Science, Technology and Applications”, held from 5 to 7 December 2018, in Toulouse (France).
The international event, dedicated to CubeSats and NanoSats themes, is organized by the Centre Spatial Universitaire de Toulouse (CSUT), ISAE SUPAERO – Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace and Von Karman Institute For Fluid Dynamics, at ISAE premises in Toulouse, the “European City of Science 2018”.
In the programme, subjects ranging from CubeSat design, launch and deployment to communication subsystems and the current miniaturized Space exploration.
GAUSS, as an expert in the topics covered by the Conference, decided to become a Silver Sponsor of the event, with a dedicated exhibition booth, where attendees can find out more about the Company’s activities.
Always been aware of the CubeSat potential, GAUSS is once again promoting the SmallSat culture!

GAUSS Stand with Information Material

Poster thanking the Event’s Sponsors showing GAUSS logo – 10th European CubeSat Symposium at ISAE SUPAERO Exhibit Hall in Toulouse

10th European CubeSat Symposium Banner