The TuPOD, released by the ISS astronauts on January 16, 2017 at 10:50 GMT, has been navigating on its own orbit since then.
Yesterday, 19 of January 2017, at around 23:30UTC, it successfully deployed the two TubeSats hosted inside its structure, TANCREDO I and OSNSAT. One hour later, at around 00:30 UTC the satellite contacted the GAUSS Ground station in Rome indicating the successful deployment of the TubeSats.
The mechanism of release of the two microsatellites worked correctly, marking a new milestone in the small satellites area: it is the first time that two TubeSats are deployed in Space, using the specifically designed TuPOD that has the double function of satellite and release platform.

TuPOD beacon
TANCREDO I was also received while flying over Rome, indicating a good deployment. OSNSAT however will make its first contact with its ground team over the US some hours later.

TubeSat TANCREDO-I signal
The TuPod started transmitting beacon messages (morse) that the Amateur Radio community can receive on the frequency 437.425MHz, for more information about the TuPod beacon you can follow this link.
Every step of theTuPOD itinerary has been properly performed and the mission has been accomplished thanks to the fruitful cooperation between GAUSS, Tetonsys, JAXA, JAMSS, ISS, TANCREDO I and OSNSAT teams. Thanks to the others supporters of this project too, such as the Morehead State University (MSU) and the companies CRP Technology, $50Sat team and MCS Mollificio.
Related news on the TuPOD Project:
- ANSA: In orbita il primo satellite stampato in 3D, nato in Italia
- Gazzetta di Modena: Il primo satellite italiano in 3D è firmato dal gruppo modenese “Crp”
- 3d Printing Creative: TuPOD, il nanosatellite italiano stampato in 3D è in orbita
- Discovery2Radio – In orbita il primo satellite 3D italiano si chiama TuPod
- Gunter’s Space Page – TuPOD
- DK3WN SatBlog – TuPod
- The National Association for AMATEUR RADIO – Several CubeSats with Amateur Radio Payloads Deployed from ISS