GAUSS at the Conference about Professor Algeri Marino

Professor of Astrodynamics and GAUSS President Filippo Graziani is giving a speech on “Guidonia, the Guidonians and the aerospace research after Guidonia: from Aeronautics to Astronautics” (“Guidonia, i Guidoniani e la ricerca aerospaziale dopo Guidonia: dall’Aeronautica all’Astronautica”) during the Conference for the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Algeri Marino.

The event in memory of the “apostle of electronics”, pioneer of radio usage in aviation and expert in telecommunication takes place on 14 May 2018 in the Faculty of Engineering of “Sapienza University in Roma (at the Sala del Chiostro room). 

The General and Professor Algeri Marino, also a collaborator of Guglielmo Marconi,  has been  a main character of the working group of Guidonia and was Director of the Radio Laboratory of the Military Aeronautics (Direttore del Laboratorio Radio di Guidonia dell’Aeronautica Militare) from 1934 to 1943. He played an important role in  the development of the ITALIAN ELECTRONICS IN THE XX CENTURY. 

Nowadays that we have RADIOS suitable to fly onboard satellites, while being set towards the future, we are also glad to celebrate the memory of the electronics enthusiast who realized radio prototypes for aviation, Algeri Marino. 


Professor F. Graziani Presentation: “Guidonia, i Guidoniani e la ricerca aerospaziale dopo Guidonia: dall’Aeronautica all’Astronautica” (PDF in Italian) 



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