Paper templates and Instructions

The templates to be used for submitting papers on the chosen topic related to the “3rd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop & International Workshop on Lean Satellite Standardization” can be found on this page.
Please remember that the No Paper/No Podium and No Podium/No Publication Policy will be in effect.
You must (electronically) provide a paper for revision by November 24th.
The paper submission deadline has been extended to November 24th, from the previous date of November 20th.  Submitted papers will be published in the Conference proceedings.

You may submit your paper via the manuscript managing system by pressing the button below.
You may log in using the credentials used to submit the abstract. Click on “Upload Your Manuscript” to enter the edit window for your paper.

Only pdf files are allowed. Maximum size limit is 8MB. Only one (1) file is allowed per paper.
If you need to replace the uploaded file, make sure to click the “Remove” button and then “Update Paper” before uploading the new file.

All the submitted manuscripts must abide to the template linked in this page.
In particular:

  • Page size and margins must not be edited
  • no page number is allowed
  • heading height must not be edited, as its contents
  • footer height must not be edited
  • maximum number of pages is twenty (20)
  • only the final part of the paper code ( 0S-0P in the templates, over the title and in the footer) shall be modified.
  • Install the cmr10.ttf font when using the Word template.
  • Font size provided in the templates must not be edited.
  • Make sure the entire manuscript has an homogeneous formatting (be aware that copy and paste often results in mixed formatting).
  • The pdf file name must be “IAA-CU-15-0S-0P.pdf“, with the dynamic code replaced according to your paper.

Regarding the dynamic paper code (0S-0P in the templates):
0S indicates the session number for the submitted paper. It must be edited according to your session.
It can be:

01 — Space Missions Overview
02 — Launch Opportunities for University Missions
03 — Ground Segment and Station Networks
04 — New Perspectives in the Application of Microsatellites
05 — Space Debris
06 — CubeSat Activities Overview
07 — CubeSat Subsystems
08 — CubeSat Payloads
09 — Interplanetary CubeSat Perspectives
10 — PocketQubeSat Activities
11 — LeanSat Standard and Testing

You may find your session code by logging to your author account here. It will be shown in the dashboard, in the Session column.

0P is the paper number. You may find it by logging to your author account here. As with the session number, it will be shown in the dashboard, in the leftmost column (ID).

LaTeX template:
LaTeX template is the preferred method for producing your manuscript.
In order to use the LaTeX version, for Windows OS we suggest using MiKTeX to edit and create the pdf file.  You may download MiKTeX here. A 32-bit and a 64-bit version are available.
As for the LaTeX typeset, consider using pdflatex or pdflatex+MakeIndex+BibTeX, since they were positively tested with the given template.

Word Template:
The templates kit also contains a Word version of the manuscript template. It has been created in order to resemble the typical formatting of the LaTeX version.
The kit includes the Computer Modern truetype font (cmr10.ttf); this font is a clone of the default font used in LateX formatting.
You may find this font in the folder called “Required font” inside the “Word” folder, or you may download it here.
It must be installed in order to format the Word document as close as possible to the LaTeX template, so that differences between LaTeX and Word-created manuscripts will be minimized.
To install the font, just double-click the cmr10.ttf file, and Windows will automatically add this font to the font database. The same procedure applies for OS X.
It will be available to all the applications open, just look for cmr10 in the font menu.
When using Microsoft Word, click “save as” to create a pdf version of the word document created with the template.

Important dates

  • Paper Submission Deadline: November, 24th 

You can download the template kit from the link below:


If you experience any issue, please contact LOC by clicking the following button.


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